All posts by Nathan Henry

I am currently completing a Master's degree in Environmental Conservation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies. My project placement is at the Nature Conservancy in Portland, Oregon, where I will be working with Cathy Macdonald and Dr. Rose Graves to help develop a Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) strategy for Oregon. My work will focus on stakeholder research, policy research and a literature review of NCS incentive programs. I will also assist efforts to develop messaging in support of the Natural & Working Lands Challenge.

Fear and loathing in oregon: The death of cap-And-invest

Last Tuesday, the 25th of June, was not a good day at work. After sitting down at my small cubicle on the third floor of TNC’s stunningly and sustainably renovated office building, I began working on my Natural Climate Solutions policy brief, editing, re-editing and editing some more.  Earlier, while riding the bus to work, I had checked on the latest news about the walkout by Oregon Senate Republicans.  For the last several days, 11 Republican state senators decamped to undisclosed locations in Idaho to prevent the Senate from having the quorum necessary to vote on Oregon’s “cap-and-invest” climate bill. As I researched policy options for incentivizing private landowners to sequester carbon on natural and working lands, I checked again on the news coming out of Salem.

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Rip city Reports: A Hike On Bardach’s EightFold Path

My First Fortnight(+) At TNC

My introductory post was entitled “Let’s Sequester Some Carbon!” I am sorry to report that nearly three weeks into my placement, I have yet to personally sequester any carbon. However, I have taken the bus to work every day so far, so I am at least limiting my carbon footprint!

In all seriousness, I can honestly say that my first few weeks at The Nature Conservancy (TNC) have gone largely according to expectations. During my first week, I sat in on stakeholder meetings between TNC staff, state government officials and representatives of other environmental groups.  In these meetings, Dr. Rose Graves presented her findings on potential Natural Climate Solution (NCS) pathways in Oregon, demonstrating the carbon sequestration potential of several potential NCS strategies.  Participants were invited to provide feedback and recommendations on Dr. Graves’ initial research. These meetings provided an excellent opportunity to watch NGOs and government officials navigate the science-policy interface (more on this later).

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Dispatches From Stumptown: Let’s Sequester Some Carbon!

The ABCs of NCS at TNC

For my project placement, I will be working at The Nature Conservancy’s (TNC) Portland, Oregon office, where I will help develop a strategy for implementing Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) in Oregon. NCS focus on developing partnerships between governing agencies, landowners, business and other stakeholders to increase the carbon sequestration potential of land.  This can take many forms: better forestry and agricultural practices, tree plantings on marginal land, improved wetland management and better fire management and prevention, to name a few.  I will be assisting with stakeholder research, policy research and a literature review of the efficacy of past NCS incentive programs in support of the project team.  I may also assist in an effort to develop pro-NCS messaging in support the Natural & Working Lands Challenge, a project of the U.S. Climate Alliance focused on developing carbon sinks on natural and working lands. 

The Oregon Conservation Center & Nature Conservancy Portland office (Source: )
Continue reading Dispatches From Stumptown: Let’s Sequester Some Carbon!